Photos & designs to inspire

Posts tagged “purple




Thought I’d try something different for a change and create some surreal abstract art using my own photos. 3 of my photos were combined to create this scene. The clouds, the jetty and sea and the model with her background. I just downloaded the wall and that’s that. Enter your dream 😉


My Earth

My Earth

Created my own Earth by shooting a sunset and then rotating it 180 degrees, and then in Photoshop, using layers and masks creating the rest of the galaxy.

Canon 600D
3 Exposures 1/80sec for the blue sky
1/200sec for the sun
1/30sec for the darker clouds
Tripod used for all 3

The images below are 3 sky’s overlyed and then the sun is from one of them. Took the sun and made a duplicate, rotated it and then placed it above the original one, thus creating a bright sun merging out. The rest of the galaxy is a wallpaper downloaded from


Fishermen bringing in their last…

Fishermen bringing in their last...

This shot was a lucky experiment turned to success once I had finished taking the 4 different exposures. Because the sun had already sunk so low, light was disappearing quite rapidly. So I planted my tripod on the jetty and exposed for the sea, the guys, the jetty, and the sky and in Photoshop, blended for 4 images together for this awesome result!